Facial Treatments

Glow with Mei Facials

Glow with Mei is renown in Toronto for Buccal facial massage aka sculptural face lifting massage, Bellanina facelift massage, microdermabrasion, anti-aging, and lymphatic drainage facial techniques. We combine the best organic premium skincare products with the latest technology in our treatments to provide glowing outcomes. Additionally, we offer clients with holistic nutrition advice to proactively address any skin concerns.

Our menu of services has been tailored for different skin types and conditions. Choose a treatment below from one of three categories: Face Lifting Massage, Signature Custom Facials, or Targeted Facial Treatments.

We look forward to welcoming you for your facial experience at our Leslieville clinic and offering you the ultimate relaxation and radiant glow!

Lifting Massage Facial Treatments


With the Sculptural Face Lifting Massage technique, you will experience the following:

  • Facial muscles relax and muscle tone improves
  • Enables metabolism and tissue nourishment, which improves skin texture and prevention of wrinkles
  • Appearance and elasticity of the skin will improve via stimulation of the skin cell regeneration
  • Facial fitness will acquire the correct muscle tone and resist gravitational effects
  • Releases tension associated with TMJ Syndrome
  • Eliminates muscle spasms and helps release psycho-emotional blockages often associated with everyday stress

This two-part treatment will include skillful facial manipulation, muscle kneading the whole face, neck, down to décolletage, in conjunction with the intra-oral (Buccal) technique. The Buccal technique is factored in to massage the chewing muscles simultaneously from the outer and inner sides through the oral cavity while wearing sterile gloves. The treatment ends with facial cupping and/or facial ice globe massage, depending on your skin condition and individual needs.

The procedure of Sculptural Face Lifting Massage will lift the facial features without surgery and injections. This treatment will reach deeper layers of the skin such as muscle tissue, ligaments and bones—by working on the deeper structures, we can naturally increase muscle tone. The facial fitness achieved strengthens muscles, increases production of collagen to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and improves skin texture. Additionally, the procedure is deeply relaxing, melting away stress and anxiety.

Sculptural Face Lifting (SFL) Massage technique requires deep knowledge of the anatomical structures of the face, as well as the skill to work on individual muscles. Mei studied this massage technique and gained formal SFL professional certification under the strict supervision of Yakov Gershkovich, the leading specialist in the field of facial aesthetics in Israel, and a recognized authority on natural rejuvenation and facial manipulation worldwide.

70 Minutes $245

Package Available: 4 Treatments for $922


Creating beauty with healing hands

With the Bellanina® Facelift Massage system, you will experience the following:

  • Toning, tightening, and rejuvenation of the facial muscles
  • Relaxation and tension relief
  • Smoother, plumper skin
  • The most luxurious and pampering treatment you will ever receive! 

Maintain a youthful glow naturally with this luxurious holistic anti-aging technique. 

90 Minutes $165

Sculptural Face Lifting Massage vs. Bellanina Facelift Massage

What is the difference?

Sculptural Face Lifting Massage is a natural face rejuvenation method and the inclusion of intra-oral (Buccal). As a result, this facial massage can dramatically reduce visual signs of ageing without surgical interventions. Consider this a super charged, deeper, more advanced, treatment that shows more dramatic results than the Bellanina Facelift Massage.

Bellanina Facelift Massage manipulates the facial muscles at a superficial level. The incorporation of hot towels, honey lift massage, acupressure point massage and increase of lymphatic flow helps to release negative holding patterns of the muscle and detoxifies the facial tissue. Bellanina Add-On’s are a great way to customize this treatment.

*Both face lifting massages are recommended in a minimum 6-10 treatment series, 1 week apart protocol for the most dramatic results. Monthly sessions recommended to maintain results.


Boost your results with these specialty Add-Ons!

Select a treatment with add-on when booking.

Steam & Extractions

Do you have clogging and congestion yet still want the full benefits of receiving a facelift massage? Exfoliation, steam & extractions, and high frequency are added – to deep clean, purge, and disinfect the skin of impurities.


Concerned with your skin’s rough texture and age spots? Microdermabrasion exfoliation will reduce the appearance of age spots, refine skin texture, revive dullness, and assist in the penetration of the active ingredients during the facelift massage, leaving your skin feeling smooth and radiant!

Hydra Boost Mask

Do you need an extra boost of moisture? The Ancient Chinese technique of Jade rolling is applied to enhance the absorption of the active ingredients from a Hyaluronic Acid Lift-Off Sheet Mask. This encourages collagen formation, improving elasticity, defining the jawline and cheek bones, and assists lymphatic drainage, which evens out and brightens the complexion. The result? The ultimate lift with a hydrating GLOW.

Super Lift Microcurrent
NuFace Pro Lift (Non-Surgical) $65

Our NuFACE award-winning facial toning device uses a low-level electrical current that stimulates facial muscles by mimicking our body’s natural current. The pulsating currents release energy into the muscles. Not only does this process normalize physiological activity within the cells, but it also energizes muscles and increases muscle resilience, hence producing immediate lifting effect.

*Contraindications: Metal implants, Pacemaker, epilepsy, seizures, oral infections, active acne or cold sores.

Environ Cool Peel Add-On

Environ’s safe and highly effective Cool Peel Technology helps to regenerate skin without compromising the skin’s natural functions. It maintains the skin’s integrity and helps to effectively improve the overall appearance, leaving your skin looking healthy and radiantly beautiful. Mei will choose between Lactic Acid or Vitamin C, while taking into consideration your skin’s condition and skincare goals.

*Contraindications: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergy to aspirin, sunburn, or active cold sores.

Signature Custom Facials


This custom facial is perfect for those with inflammation from congested, acne-prone skin. Attention is brought to rebalancing your skin with a combination of ingredients rich in vitamins, hyaluronic acid, enzymes and AHA’s – customized to treat your individual needs. Robust exfoliation facilitates an extended extraction session followed by the use of high frequency to oxygenate and disinfect the skin of bacteria. A massage performed with disinfecting essential oil formula or natural honey is then factored in to relax and sooth via pressure points. The Clarify Facial results in perfectly cleansed, clear, smooth skin, leaving you with a bright glowing complexion.

*The frequency of treatments will accelerate your results. For those with ongoing stubborn breakouts, consider booking the Clarify facial every 2-3 weeks when commencing treatments.

90 Minutes $140

Package Available: 3 Treatments for $377


Looking for a deep cleansing treatment for mature, dehydrated, congested skin? This age defying treatment is designed to deep cleanse, quench skin’s thirst and protect dehydrated skin from oxidative stress. A custom combination of ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, peptides and ceramides, AHA’s, enzymes, vitamin C and A, and hot towels are used to balance and restore skin to its radiant self. Careful attention is made during steam and extractions, followed by high frequency to disinfect skin. Facelift massage techniques will tone and smooth skin. The facial ends with a carefully selected lift-off mask that reveals your beautiful, hydrated glowing skin.

90 Minutes $155

Targeted Facial Treatments


Micro Peel is an invigorating micro-exfoliant peel designed to soften the texture and appearance of rough and sun-damaged skin, while the high concentration of Vitamin C helps to promote a more youthful and radiant appearance. Environ’s safe and highly effective Vitamin C Cool Peel technology helps to regenerate skin without compromising the skin’s natural functions. The treatment includes steam, extractions, hot towels, application of Vitamin C peel gel, cool globes and facelifting massage, and a specialty lift-off mask.

90 Minutes $185

Package Available: 3 Peels for $529


Blending cool peel technology with a deep, cleansing facial will help to clear breakouts, refine pores, and most importantly, improve overall skin health. This treatment includes steam, extractions, hot towels, application of light peel gel, cool globes and facelifting massage, and a specialty lift-off mask.

*Contraindications: Pregnancy, breastfeeding, allergy to aspirin, sunburn, or active cold sores.

90 Minutes $185


Environ’s safe and highly effective Cool Peel Technology helps to regenerate skin without compromising the skin’s natural functions. It maintains the skin’s integrity and helps to effectively improve the skin’s overall appearance, leaving it looking healthy and radiantly beautiful. Mei will choose between Lactic Acid or Vitamin C, while taking into consideration your skincare goals and skin condition.

45 Minutes $100


This is treatment combines our Age-Defying Facial with two Structural Lifting Techniques. First, using our NuFace technology focused microcurrent, followed by a 45-minute Structural Facelifting Massage with the addition of the intra-oral (Buccal) massage technique. Results are visible, effects are tightening, firming and lifting, and can specifically target the following skincare concerns, such as sagging muscles, collagen depletion and elasticity. The treatment includes a lift-off mask with cool globe massage.

*Contraindications: Metal implants, pacemaker, epilepsy, seizures, oral infections, pregnancy, active acne or cold sores.

120 Minutes $340


If you would like to experience lifting without all the massage, this facial is for you! This treatment was especially created for those who are concert about breakouts and aging. This treatment combines the Clarify Facial with NuFace microcurrent technology to redefine the oval of the face and keep skin clear. Fine lines and wrinkles are diminished, improved skin tone, improved lymphatic drainage, and visible firming and lifting of overall drooping features. A custom set of ingredients will be administered to address your skin’s current condition, while defying the skin’s aging process. The treatment concludes with a purifying lift-off mask to hydrate and balance.

*Contraindications: Metal implants, pacemaker, epilepsy, seizures, oral infections, active acne or cold sores.

90 Minutes $190


The Signature Glow Microdermabrasion Facial will actively combat signs of aging. Microdermabrasion addresses age spots, dullness, and plumps wrinkles, while assisting the penetration of active ingredients. Extractions, steam, hot towels, facelift, and manual lymphatic drainage massage techniques minimize fine lines and wrinkles from repeated motion of facial muscles. This treatment stimulates your skin, leaving it smooth and radiant.

90 Minutes $180

Clients are responsible for informing of any allergies or sensitivities.

Appointments are required for all treatments. For your convenience, we will send reminders to your email and/or mobile number when it’s time to come in! Please ensure to book in advance so that we may service you at your preferred date and time.

Do you have a specific treatment question? Feel free to contact Mei with any inquires.

Cancellation Policy

24-Hour Notice is Required for all Cancellations

    • Life happens. If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, contact us by email or phone at least 24 hours prior to your appointment.

    • Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be charged at our discretion up to 50% of the cost of the treatment as booked.

    • We recognize that there are circumstances that may be out of your control (sudden illness, family emergencies, etc.) We will consider each situation individually, and may make an exception to the above policies on those rare occasions.

Partial, Late & Missed Appointments

    • No-Show Appointments without proper notice (at least 24 hours in advance) will be charged at our discretion up to 50% of the cost of the treatment as booked.

    • Partial and Late Appointments shall be discretionary and performed with time remaining, and subject to clinic or therapist’s other scheduled appointments.


For All Facial Treatment Package Purchases

    • Four month expiration date applies to all packages starting on the date of purchase.

    • Services are non-refundable. Should you wish to discontinue your treatment in the midst of a prepaid package, credit for the pro-rated share of unused treatments may be used as in-store credit to purchase other treatments or products offered.

    • Cancellation policies and fees apply to appointments made from package purchases or gift card appointments.