What is CBD? Why You Need To Use It For Healthy Skin

Ready to dip your toes into the CBD oil trend? By now, we’ve all become aware of the fact that there are healing properties in medicinal cannabis. It’s a hot topic right now, it’s everywhere. But what exactly does it do? And more so, what can it do for your skin?

CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is extracted from the cannabis sativa plant. Not to be confused with the other compound extracted from the same plant, THC, the psychoactive component that gets you stoned. One thing you need to know is that, CBD will NOT get you high!

Let me start by sharing with you why I started using CBD products. I have mentioned in other blog posts about how I’m a night owl and how I ALWAYS have to force myself to go to sleep at a reasonable time. It almost feels like I get a second wind at night and find it hard to wind down, even after I drink my sleepy tea! At one point, My doctor even prescribed sleeping pills, but I chose not to take them to avoid feeling groggy and who wants to take prescription meds if you don’t have to right?!

I had a friend tell me about her experience with taking CBD at night to relieve her anxiety and help her sleep. I gave it a try, and wow I have to say, it works AMAZINGLY for me! I take it an hour before I want to get to sleep and it results in the best “sleeping beauty” type of sleep and arising feeling super refreshed, not groggy at all the next day. LOVE LOVE.

Shortly after my positive experiences with CBD began, Seaflora Wild Organic Seaweed Skincare, (the line I use in my treatment room) launched their topical CBD products. I was stoked!

In the beauty industry, topical CBD has proven to be a very useful ingredient as it’s anti-inflammatory properties and essential fatty acids help to prevent oxidative stress on the skin. It offers a lot of the same properties as retinoids, but unlike retinoids, does not cause excessive flaking and inflammation as the skin acclimates to treatment. This renders the addition of CBD in beauty products to be much more therapeutic as well as age-defying.

Research suggests that CBD can reduce the occurrence of acne breakouts! It has the ability to limit and regulate sebum production, preventing excessive amounts of oils mixing with dirt and pollution which creates and initiates acne. This research by Olah et al., 2014, suggests that CBD prevented human cebocytes (the cells that produce sebum) from producing too much sebum. (1)

There’s more…CBD has pain killing properties! This makes topical application of CBD great for post workouts, sprains and strains and arthritis. It also reduces swelling and inflammation. So I needed to try this out for myself and I started testing them on my sore muscles after my hard workouts and I have also taken the Seaflora CBD oil to my massage therapist to use on me. I find CBD works great! Yay! I feel the difference, I recover faster from my work outs and my massages are elevated to a even more therapeutic, tension relieving treatment.

Speaking of therapeutic, be sure to only buy CBD products from trusted retailers to ensure quality and efficacy. Purchasing CBD products from a convenience store or gas station is risky as you could be purchasing fake, potentially toxic CBD that is not safe for you, or anyone for that matter. CBD in Canada must come from a licensed producer registered in the country to be considered legal. Seaflora Skincare only purchases CO2 extracted CBD Isolate, from Organic Hemp from local Licensed Producers. CBD isolate, which is CO2 extracted has no chemical residue and is used because it offers the most potent and bioavailable penetration when applied topically.

Here are the reported skin benefits:

  • Improved moisturization
  • Improved skin barrier
  • Skin soothing/anti-inflammatory
  • Antipruritic
  • Acne/oil control
  • Treating psoriasis/atopic dermatitis
  • Enhanced skin repair and cell regeneration
  • Anti-aging effects
  • Stronger hair follicles and overall healthier hair
  • Reduced stress, anxiety and their direct effects
  • Improved skin health and appearance
  • Reduce the appearance of dark spots

Sounds like we have a superhero, multi-use product to add to our medicine cabinets! Right?

Yours Truly,
Mei-Lana Chow RHN xoxo

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